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Department of Education and Training Victoria

Over 600 million children and adolescents worldwide are unable to attain minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics, even though two thirds of them are in school. For out-of-school children, foundational skills in literacy and numeracy are further from grasp. Yet, for too many children across the globe, schooling does not lead to learning. Research has found that education is the strongest determinant of individuals’ occupational status and chances of success in adult life.

They must also seek feedback from students for quality-assurance and improvement. Education, discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or school-like environments as opposed to various nonformal and informal means of socialization (e.g., rural development projects and education through parent-child relationships). It has been argued that high rates of education are essential for countries to be able to achieve high levels of economic growth. Empirical analyses tend to support the theoretical prediction that poor countries should grow faster than rich countries because they can adopt cutting-edge technologies already tried and tested by rich countries. However, technology transfer requires knowledgeable managers and engineers who are able to operate new machines or production practices borrowed from the leader in order to close the gap through imitation. Therefore, a country’s ability to learn from the leader is a function of its stock of “human capital”.

  • Formal education occurs in a structured environment whose explicit purpose is teaching students.
  • In the United States, Canada, and Australia, primary and secondary education together are sometimes referred to as K-12 education, and in New Zealand Year 1–13 is used.
  • GPE helps countries build stronger education systems to reach the most vulnerable girls and boys, improve teaching and learning, and build resilience to withstand shocks and adapt to the challenges of the 21st century.
  • Through evidence building, coordinated advocacy and collective action, the UNGEI partnership works to close the gender gap in education.
  • Looking for cool projects that can engage students at home and support academic learning at the same time?

“Liberal Education” journal article explores U.S. institutions’ role in supporting threatened and displaced scholars and students through IIE programs. In collaboration with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, this initiative provides governments with actionable data to identify barriers that lead to exclusion and develop policies and programmes that put more children on track to complete their education. GPE is the world’s only partnership and fund focused on providing quality education to children in lower-income countries. A TIME Best Invention of 2021, this platform enables high-quality, flexible learning for children anywhere, to close the learning poverty gap. But even before the pandemic, more than half of all 10-year-olds in middle- and low-income countries couldn’t read or understand a simple story. Our ready-made lesson plans make it easy for classroom educators and homeschoolers to provide meaningful instruction to students.

K-5 Language Arts Curriculum Videos

Education began in prehistory, as adults trained the young in the knowledge and skills deemed necessary in their society. In pre-literate societies, this was achieved orally and through imitation. Story-telling passed knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to the next.

A conversation could save a life

The outcome is formal Education News—the school and the specialist called the teacher. India is developing technologies that will bypass land-based telephone and Internet infrastructure to deliver distance learning directly to its students. In 2004, the Indian Space Research Organisation launched EDUSAT, a communications satellite providing access to educational materials that can reach more of the country’s population at a greatly reduced cost. After the public school system was widely developed beginning in the 19th century, alternative education developed in part as a reaction to perceived limitations and failings of traditional education.

Gaelic Medium Education/Foghlam Meadhan Gàidhlig

A program that supports education services by focusing more sharply on results. Our mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. EdTech Hub is a global research partnership that empowers people by giving them the evidence they need to make decisions about technology in education. Education Cannot Wait is the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises.